Cameras / Binoculars / Lenses
Leica ( Ernst Leitz ,Wetzlar) Elmar Camera Lens f 9cm 1:4
Leica Screw Fit 9cm telephoto lens, with original lens cap and fitted Protective Plastic Screw Case
Carl ZEISS Jena DDR JENOPTEM Binoculars - GENUINE - 10x50W Multi-Coated Lenses with case
Top quality vintage binocular with original leather case.Click image for more information.
Leica / Leitz Red camera filter Usqoo
Leica / Leitz red filter in original box.
58mm diameter screw fitting.
NIKON COOLPIX L100 10MP 15x Optical Zoom Camera
Superzooms often called bridge cameras – as they ‘bridge’ divide between compacts and DSLRs
High Quality Perspex Acrylic Circular Watch Crystal Glass
High Quality Perspex Acrylic Watch Crystal Glass
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